
May 2024
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Harris Center and 4th grade class outside, field trip
Studying Local Water Systems in Peterborough
boy and stuff hamster
Total Solar Eclipse on 4/8/24
PES sign with snow fall
Snow in April. Where is spring?
two students in space
Field Trip to Concord
NHS Students Visit PES
NHS Students Visit PES
Children on the playground
Morning Recess is Back!
Adams Playground Field Trip
Adams Playground Field Trip
Literacy Night with Canine Help
Literacy Night with Canine Help


Our Vision

To empower students to reach their full potential as lifelong learners and responsible community members.

Our Mission

To engage, support and inspire learning so that all students can achieve their full potential.

We challenge all students to achieve academic success while also developing physically, socially, and emotionally.

Our goal is to work in a partnership with home, school, and community to model and promote a respectful, safe and kind environment.

PES Entrance